Tuesday, 12 March 2019

Manga-lled by the Media: Misrepresentations of Anime and Manga in the British Press - Minamicon 25

Minamicon has been and gone for another year, and it was a great weekend as ever. I was presenting a panel once again, and this time, rather than go through my demographic research again, I decided to look at a different aspect of UK anime fandom history - the British press, its handling of anime and manga since organised anime fandom emerged in the UK in the '90s, and how the wider culture in the UK at the time shaped UK anime fandom.

There was an unfortunate clash in the timetable and I was up against a very popular event (one which I'd have liked to have gone to myself, in fact!), but the room was still packed, the audience was responsive, and the feedback has been really good!

For the first time ever, I've had to include content warnings, which I'll replicate here: material in the presentation includes racism, sexual content, violence, horror, and abduction/murder, including that of a child. None of these are dealt with in great or unnecessary detail, but they are important features.

If you want to see more of the videos used during the "cat breaks", check out Cream Heroes on YouTube!

Slides are available here for anyone who wants them!

Eurotrash © Rapido TV 1993-2004
Anime! © Sci-FI Channel 1997
Clips used under fair dealing for the purpose of non-commercial research or study.

If you enjoy my work and want to show your appreciation, buy me a Ko-Fi!

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