Thursday, 4 October 2012

From Weird To Wired: The Internet and "Fourth Generation" Anime Fandom

Finally up! The video is low quality because Youtube was unable to process the high-quality version for some reason. I may see if I can reupload it at a later date if the audio/video quality is problematic.

This is my paper as presented at the Manga Movies Project symposium, held at UEA in September 2012.

Between the discussion among anime fans at my Amecon panel, and that among my fellow academics who attended the symposium and spoke to me afterwards, I am aware that I have some expanding and exploration to do within this topic - expect that in a future blog post!

Wednesday, 3 October 2012

Now on Twitter

As part of the ongoing effort to keep myself from losing momentum in my study, I now have a Twitter account. The pressure of having more places to keep updated will hopefully prompt me to keep working on things!

I can be found on Twitter as @leahmholmes.